To activate this dialog select "Settings…" command in Options menu and click on "Security" tab. The dialog contents are described below.
If you enable this option, you can specify the list of potentially dangerous file masks in input field below. It is allowed to enter several masks separated by spaces. WinRAR will skip files matching any of these masks when extracting or opening archived files.
This option may help to protect users from infected email attachments. For example, if you enter:
*.scr *.pif *.exe
in this field, it will prohibit users to unpack, view and run .scr, .pif and .exe files with WinRAR.
This option modifies behavior of Scan archive for viruses command. By default it is enabled, so WinRAR proposes to select virus scanner name and parameters every time when activating the virus scanning command. If you use only one antivirus, it is possible to skip the antivirus selection step by turning this option off.